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  1. Frgy.pk .0009
  2. SYNJ - Nice Entry - Good Strength
  3. INCL - Sub Play - Early Entry Prices
  4. KWBT (Kiwa Bio-Tech Products Group Inc.)
  6. EDIG.OB e.Digital Corp. Stock Electronic Equipment
  8. Lee
  9. Ubrg
  10. Symw
  11. NBVG.PK (NutriPure Beverages, Inc.)
  12. Xhua - Xinhua China Ltd
  13. North Bay Resources: NBRI
  14. FNGP - Financial Media Group, Inc
  15. Arm ... Arvinmeritor Inc
  16. IDOI.BB (IDO Security, Inc)
  17. Wlsi - Wellstar International Inc -Diagnostic Software
  18. Futr.ob Future Now Group Inc. Management Services
  19. DCMT OTC Document Capture Technologies Com
  20. EXTO.PK Exit Only Inc.
  21. Eee Evergreen Energy Inc
  22. Low Floaters With Low Prices
  23. TSTR TerreStar Corporation Diversified Communication Services
  25. BCLI Brainstorm Cell Therapeutics Inc. Healthcare
  26. Gmed.pk Genomed Inc
  27. ISCO - International Stem Cell Corporation
  28. WGAT WorldGate Communications Inc. Technology
  29. VVTV ... ValueVision Media
  30. BLFS BioLife Solutions
  31. EYSM Elysium Internet, Inc.
  32. ASTM - Aastrom Biosciences, Inc
  33. Nnfc
  34. Idgc IDGlobal Corp
  35. Rnwf
  36. OMCM OmniComm Systems Inc. Internet Software & Services
  38. bkuna buyout?
  39. HTDS - Hard to Treat Diseases Inc.
  40. CYCC .. Cyclacel Pharmaceuticals Inc
  41. GTCB GTC Biotherapeutics Inc Biotechnology
  42. SSTR Silverstar Holdings Ltd. Diversified Investments
  43. WAVE ... Nextwave Wireless Inc
  44. WLSI.OB Wellstar International Inc. Stock Medical Appliances & Equipment
  45. Tlph.ob Teliphone Corp.
  46. ACPW.. green power solutions
  47. PPRG.OB Patient Portal Technologies, Inc. Long-Term Care Facilities
  48. QTM Quantum Corporation Data Storage Devices
  50. GSAT Globalstar, Inc. (Nasdaq)
  51. Nvd
  52. Gnta
  53. DVAX... Dynavax Technologies Corp
  54. ANSV....Anesiva Inc
  55. GNBT Generex Biotechnology
  56. AERG - Applied Energetics
  57. Welwind Has The Dollars To Move Forward
  58. SPC Spectrum Brands Inc. Nyse
  59. SRZ...Sunrise Senior Living Inc... Penny Stock
  60. TDCP 3DIcon Corporation - Part 2 A New Beginning
  61. Penny Stocks Trade
  62. BZ - Boise
  63. TDCP Competitors
  64. etrade and tdcp
  65. ameritrade and TDCP
  66. ITKG Integral Technologies Official Thread
  67. Join Practice Game
  68. Rtk
  69. Bollinger Band Plays
  70. A Difficult Bearish Stock Market- Making Money
  71. RNMM Ronn Motor Company
  72. ANVH Anviron Holding Company
  73. XLPI - Xcelplus International, Inc. - Petroleum & Coal
  74. HIMR - Hollund Industrial Marine Inc.
  75. IEVM.OB Integrated Environmental Technologies Ltd.- Business Services
  76. PYMX.OB PolyMedix, Inc. Biotechnology
  77. LEHMQ-Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. - Banking
  78. BCND - Beacon Redevelopment Industrial Corporation - Salvage
  79. BIPH...Biophan Technologies, Inc.. Penny Stock
  80. Cctc Clean Coal Technologies
  81. Lgal.pk Legal Access Tech
  82. NNLX.PK NANOLOGIX INC - Biotechnologies
  83. SEC bans short selling
  84. Note
  85. Adle
  86. SSCC- Smurfit-Stone Container Corp.- Paper & Paper Products
  87. Ibxg.pk Ibx Group Inc
  89. CTBG.PK - Coil Tubing Technology Holding, Inc.-
  90. RRLB-Red Reef Laboratories International Inc.- Chemicals
  91. MONA.PK - Monarc Corporation
  92. Hkbv
  93. OTOD.OB- O2Diesel Corp. - Specialty Chemicals
  94. FUTR- Future Now Group Inc.- Management Services
  95. RPDM..Rapid Fire Marketing Inc
  96. LSTM...LifeStem International...Penny Stock
  97. XOHO.OB - XO communications, Inc.
  98. GEAC.PK - Global Entertainment Acquisition Corp.
  99. MSGI.OB-MSGI Security Solutions, Inc- Security & Protection Services
  100. MYMX.OB MYMETICS CORP-Aids Vaccine
  101. attention members
  102. GZGT...GuangZhou Global Telecom..Penny Stock
  103. BSTI...Brite Strike... Penny Stock
  104. AVNR-Avanir Pharmaceuticals-
  105. SOBM.OB SINOBIOMED INC - Drugs and Vaccines
  106. HLLD-Hollund Industrial, Inc.- Industrial Marine Equipment
  107. NXCO.PK NEXICON INC NEW- Software
  108. CTBG.PK Coil Tubing Technology Holding, Inc.
  109. VRAL.PK Viral Genetics Inc.
  110. SVMI- SaVi Media Group Inc. - Engine Emission Reduction
  111. TDCP PPS Poll Question #2
  112. TCBO - Tobacco One Inc
  113. FEGR - Friendly Energy Exploration
  114. BMRX- bioMETRX, Inc. Small Tools & Accessories
  115. GHS...Gatehouse Media
  116. TRIH Tricord Hurricane Holdings Inc.
  117. OSCR - Penny Stock Shell
  118. AZGS-Aztec Oil & Gas
  119. Ccaj.pk Coastal Capital Acq
  120. MDOR.OB Magnum d'Or Resources Inc. Industrial Metals & Minerals
  121. NXXI-Nutrition 21 Inc.-Penny Stock- Nutritional Bioscience
  122. NTEC-Neose Technologies Inc.-Peeny Stock- Biopharmaceutical
  123. VCSY..VERTICAL COMP SYS.. Penny Stock
  124. CHID- CHINA DIGITAL COMM-Penny Stock-
  125. Seamless Wi-Fi Inc -- SMWF
  126. NILR...Nilam Resources Inc
  127. RSMI- Rim Semiconductor Co.- Penny Stock- Industrial Electrical Equipment
  128. STWG-S2C Global Systems, Inc- Penny Stock- Packaged Water
  129. Qbid
  130. PURO- Purio, Inc.- Penny Stock- Water Purification
  131. TDCP... Poll Question
  132. Universal Systems Inc (UVSS)
  133. PGPM-Pilgrim Petroleum Corporation-Penny Stock- (pink) going to OTCBB
  134. MHTX-Manhattan Scientifics Inc.-Penny Stock-Energy
  135. AEHI-Alternate Energy Holdings, Inc- Penny Stock- Alternate Energy
  136. HGLC Hunt Gold Corp- Penny Stock- Gold Mining
  137. PASO � Patient Access Solutions, Inc.- Penny Stock- Healthcare Solutions
  138. QMNM... Quest Minerals & Mining-Penny Stock- Mining
  139. PAVC.PK - Paivis Corp.
  140. GGLB.OB - Green Globe Intl., Inc.
  141. CCMJ.PK - CruiseCam Intl., Inc.
  142. AKYI-AccessKey IP, Inc- Penny Stock-
  143. PRRY-Planet Resource Recovery Inc-Penny Stock-
  144. INIS-International Isotopes Inc-Penny Stock-Biotechnology
  145. BIHC-BIH Corp-Penny Stock-Beverage Systems Equipment Sales
  146. UVSE - Universal Energy Corp - Penny Stock - Oil & Natural Gas
  147. BDGR GHOST ????Black Dragon Oil
  148. PPHM...Peregrine Pharmaceuticls
  149. prpl park pl energy corp
  150. NCEY New Century Energy Corp.
  151. IRBL INROB TECH Robotics
  152. AGT Apollo Gold AMEX
  153. EIGH -8000 inc
  154. GTXO GPS technology
  155. IRXI- Inreex Corp.
  156. NXXN.OB NexxNow
  157. CFON- C-phone Corp.
  158. MECA-Magna Entertainment Corp-Penny Stock-Horse Racetracks
  159. ALJJ-ALJ Regional Holdings Inc-Penny Stock-Steel Mill
  160. MBTG-Millennium Biotechnologies Group Inc-Peny Stock-Nutritional Supplements
  161. OEDV-Occidental Finance And Holdings Ltd-Penny Stock-
  162. DMGS-distribution management services
  163. Hybr
  164. STBP-SOUTHEAST BANKING CO-Penny Stock- Banking
  165. Hyhy
  166. WLSN- Wilson- Penny Stock-Wilsons The Leather Experts Inc
  167. POSC-Positron Corporation-Penny Stock-
  168. EGSR (Energas Resources Inc)
  169. EGT Elixir gaming technologies
  170. DEEPQ - Superior Offshore International, Inc.
  171. Agfl
  172. RPTN take a look and let me know what you think
  174. Mass Megawatts Power Inc. - MMGW -
  175. anatomy of pump and dump
  176. USFI- US Farms, Inc.- Penny Stock- Diversified Agriculture Company
  177. Aulo
  178. GRDB.. Penny Bounce Play
  179. MODT.. Modtech Holdings.. Penny Stock
  180. CICHF - China Construction Bank
  181. FVRL...Penny Stock Bounce Play
  182. The Penny Stock Review May 12-16
  183. DRGP- Dynamic Response Group, Inc.- Penny Stock- Beauty & body Enhancement Products
  184. CNUV- China Nuvo Solar Energy, Inc.- Penny Stock- Solar Energy
  185. WITM- Wits Basin Precious Minerals Inc.- Penny Stock- Gold
  186. Battery Stocks
  187. Kyus-Kentucky USA Energy, Inc-Penny stock- Pump and Dump Scheme
  188. TREN - Torrent Energy Corp.- Penny Stock- Oil & Gas
  189. ISML: ISM International Inc.
  190. NSTLQ- National Steel Corp.-Penny Stock- Steel & Iron
  191. ROTB- Rotoblock Corp.- Penny Stock- Industrial Electrical Equipment
  192. BSRC- BioSolar, Inc.- Penny Stock- Solar Energy
  193. TMY- Transmeridian Exploration Inc.- Penny Stock- Oil & Gas Drilling
  194. ROX - Castle Brands Inc- Penny Stock- Spirits, Beverages
  195. RUNU..RUDY NUTRITION.. Penny Stock
  196. Xethanol Corporation (AMEX: XNL)- Penny Stock- Renewable Energy
  197. PINR - Pine Ridge Holdings Inc- Penny Stock- Holding Company
  198. AOG-AURORA OIL & GAS- Penny Stock- Independent Oil & Gas
  199. SDGL- Secured Digital Applications Inc. -Penny Stock-Diversified Communication
  200. EXSA-EXOSPHERE AIRCRAFT--Penny Stock- Avaition
  201. NEOP-Neoprobe Corp.--Penny Stock-Biomedical
  202. ZAAP- ZAP- Penny Stocks-Electric Vehicles
  203. Penny Stock Weely Review
  204. MZTH--MZT Holdings, Inc-Penny Stock- Holding Company
  205. BLDV - Blue Diamond Ventures Inc-Penny Stock-Agriculture & Biofuels
  206. Irng--Intl Ranger Corp- Penny Stock- Uranium Mining
  207. GCOG... Gulf Coast Oil & Gas- Penny Stock- Oil & Gas Drilling & Exploration
  208. BCLN.. Bio-Clean International-Penny Stock-Bio Friendly Cleaning Products
  209. KRY.. Crystallex International Corp- Penny Stock- Mining
  210. DTMG -- DataMEG Corporation- Penny Stock- Diversified Communication Services
  211. WLVT -- Wolverine Tube Inc- Penny Stocks- Copper
  212. CPRK - Copper King Mining- Penny Stock- Mining
  213. AVII- AVI Biopharma, Inc- Penny Stock- Drug Manufacturers
  214. Its Ok To Post
  215. BLRV (Bullion Riber Gold Corp.)- Penny Stock- Gold
  216. RGTV--RTG Ventures Inc.
  217. EEGC--Empire Energy Corporation International- Penny Stock- Independent Oil & Gas
  218. PUPS - PickUps Plus Inc.
  219. GERI - Global Energy Resources Inc.
  220. EFCR - EGPI Firecreek Inc.
  221. CNMY ... Cinemaya Media
  222. BIEL - BioElectronics Corp.
  223. VSGN - Vasogen Inc. (Naz GM)
  224. BVSN.OB - Broadvision, Inc.
  225. ADCS--Advanced Content Services
  226. RPBC--Redpoint Bio Corporation
  227. VSPC (Viaspace Inc)
  228. NMCH - NewMarket China, Inc.- Penny Stock- Telecommunication Services
  229. GETC - Geotec Inc
  230. TFZP--Therma Freeze
  231. HMCP--Heritage Media Corp.
  232. CRGN--CuraGen Corporation- Penny Stock- Biotechnology
  233. Nxmr--nextmart Inc
  234. DCNM..DNC Multimedia
  235. GETG--Green Earth Technologies
  236. MKBY--McKenzie Bay International Ltd- Penny Stock- Wind Energy
  237. MESA- Mesa Air Group, Inc.-Penny Stock- Passenger & Airfreight Services
  238. IDGG--Indigo-Energy Inc
  239. USCS--US Corp
  240. NHPR--National Health Partners
  241. Cstc
  242. VRSO.. Bounce Play??
  243. VTSS--Vitesse Semiconductor
  244. XRMB--XERO MOBILE, Inc.
  245. HENC--Holloman Energy Corp
  246. CICI--Communications Intelligence Corp
  247. PHYA--Physicians Adult Daycare
  248. Housing Market
  249. Rice Rations
  250. PWLK--Powerlock International Corp.